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How I Found Creativity With Food During Covid

by Alinna

These past couple of years have been hard on everyone in many ways, but staying home has helped me gain creativity in the effort of trying new ideas for snacks and meals for the family.

I began to introduce solid foods to my infant around 5 ½ months, and by 6 months he was ready to go. I offered him puree (veggies) and infant rice and oatmeal cereals, which he has loved. Now that he is 8 months, we are offering him different solid food/finger food textures, and he is experiencing these foods with mom and dad during breakfast, lunch, and dinner.

I love to search and save different recipes on Pinterest and cook simple meals or snacks we make at home that consist of veggies in different dips (snacking), soups, steamed, cooked with different meats. In the future I would love to grow a garden with my little family, this will help the environment and the convenience of not having to go to the store every time.


This blog was written by one of our guest bloggers, Alinna.


About Alinna. . .

Hi, my name is Alinna, I’m a first-time mom to a beautiful 8-month baby boy by the name of Pablo Elias.

WIC has been a great resource that has helped me gain continuous background education in healthy eating while pregnant, postpartum, and introduction to solid foods at 6 months.

Thank you, WIC, for being supportive.


If you would like to explore more ideas about similar topics, consider taking our online lessons called: Feeding Your Infant Solid Foods in the Feeding Your 6 To 24-Month-Old category or Make Meals And Snacks Simple in the Planning Simple Meals And Snacks category. Find both of these lesson at



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