by Lia from Michigan

As a new mom, I felt like a fish out of water. I was definitely out of my comfort zone and I did not know the first thing about babies. I babysat on the side as a teen, but the youngest child I tended to was 18 months and ready to be potty trained. So, as a new mom, I was lost. I can remember the nurse asking if I was going to breastfeed, and I looked at her dumbfounded by the question. Instinctively the nurse exited the room and returned with 6 cans of Enfamil. She happily explained that this was how I would feed my baby and promptly left. I still felt like I had been hit by a Mack truck. So I put the cans to the side and pushed a button on my bed so a medical assistant could assist me to the bathroom. My first couple of days post-delivery were rough.

I was really sore and exhausted. I had to wear this weird nylon underwear with two gigantic maxi pads and felt very overwhelmed. I do give myself some credit. I took a little time to breathe and not be so frustrated as a new mom. My milk did not come in until my son was 3 weeks old. A dietitian sent by the hospital reassured me this was completely normal. Sometimes, milk can take up to 8 weeks. Foods rich in vitamins and minerals help with milk production. It also helps to drink lots of water and eat oats and grains. I started eating oatmeal for breakfast and that really helped with my milk production.

Note from wichealth: Many herbs and foods have been used traditionally to help increase breast milk production. The specific foods that are used vary by culture. Eating foods with lots of nutrients will help replenish your nutrient stores, whether or not they help increase your breast milk supply. Good ways to increase your milk supply are having skin-to-skin contact with your baby, and breastfeeding often. Breast milk production usually increases by about day 3 after delivery, but for about 25% of moms it can take longer. Help is available from WIC and lactation consultants for any issues you may be having!

This blog was written by one of our guest WIC mom bloggers, Lia.
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